Hope u recover soon Mum, i haven have a good chat with u for some time already. Dear Lord, give her strength ...Amen
甚麼都可以無所謂 沒有任何束縛
happy new year my frens!
Aih this semester is going to end up really really soon. Classes are getting lesser and lesser so do the lecture. Kinda miss it. Time really flies huh ? Anyway, just done the presentation last week and its a big relieve when it was done. Booo Yeahh. Still boleh tahan la at least there is no Faeces Urine Diverting Toilet Chambers holding hand to hand and running in my mind dy now. This group i had for the EFDP is a great one. A special thanks to Mr. Aaaaaaron, Mr. Queeeeena and Mr. Hao Jieeeee. Its great to have a group of 4 guys working together. There were a lot of fun and i feel quite stress-free because everyone is just too cute !! So basically i will miss this group XD
Was busying lately and only now i get to blog. All the task attacked us all of the sudden before the exam and they sound even more suck when the exam is just around the corner. If not mistaken it will be on 9, 10, 11th of november. Evolution report, EFPD presentation, ES lab report, you make my life beautiful, colourful and fruitful.

So busy lately and just get the mood to blog this. Last week was a great one with lot of surprises! First is the Letter, next is the Hamper. Awww life is great if everyday is full of surprises! i mean..Good surprises instead of your wallet hilang surprise, constipation surprise or vase crashing onto ur head surprise. Back to bintulu last friday for the competition on sunday. Hmm.. satisfy i can say. Those adults were funny indeed. They are not as mature as u guys think la they only look serious when they are working. XD
Hey suddenly feel like blogging again. must be 3-minutes-heat again but who care XD. I just back from miri last sunday. Before that, saturday, travelled oversea to foreign country, i mean, travelled to brunei la with my family and my grandmother's kakak. Our mission is to bring kakak out of Malaysia and renew the staying period in Malaysia. Spend our day in kuala belait and basically i know the road already keep turning around the small town finding escapade.

It has been a long time i din updated my blog already, gosh, laziness is killing me @.@
During Father's Day, went to dinner in one restaurant, saw this can of orange juice on the table. Was bored that time and had a research on the can drinks. and this is what i found.